Process and required documents to set up a Business in California

1. Fictitious Name

Any business that doesn’t use its legal name (the official name of the person or entity that owns the business) as part of its business name must comply with fictitious or assumed business name requirements.

You can register the name with a government agency; the state, a newspaper company, or your County clerk’s office.

Los Angeles County: 12400 Imperial Hwy.
Norwalk, CA 90065
Tel. (310)462-2177

Orange County: 630 N. Broadway Bldg. 12 Room 101/106,
Santa Ana, CA 92702
Tel. (714)834-3005

2.  Federal Tax ID(EIN) & State ID.

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is used to identify a business entity. Generally, businesses need an EIN. Banks requires the EIN when you want to open a Business Account.
To obtain a Federal Tax ID, you need to fill out a Form SS-4 and you can register by either calling 1-800-829-4933 or visit online

3. State Tax ID

Employment Development Department issues State Tax ID for Employee hiring and Payroll Tax purposes. You can obtain by filling out Form DE1

4. Seller’s Permit

California Department of Tax and Fee Administration issues a Seller’s Permit for businesses. If your business relate to any of these businesses, Sale and Lease merchandise, vehicles, or tangible personal property you must obtain Seller’s Permit before you start a business in California.
Check out for detail information. You can visit closest State Board of Equalization to register for Seller’s Permit.

(Required Documents for Individual: Photocopy of Driver’s License and Social Security Card is Required, Fictitious name, Escrow Paper, Corporation: Articles of Incorporation, Statement by Domestic Stock Corporation)

Los Angeles: 5901 Green valley Cr.,
Culver City, CA 90230
Tel. (310)342-1000

12440 E. Imperial Hwy 2nd Fl
Norwalk, CA 90651
Tel (562)466-1694

5. Business License

LA County issues a business license upon categories of your businesses fall into. If your gross receipts is under $500,000 for first and second business year, your tax will be exempted (Must filed timely)
You can visit website the below to acquire a Business License
Or you can also visit City Hall physically to register.

Required documents: ID, Tax ID Number, and Corporation-Article of incorporation
Los Angeles:  200 N. Spring St., Room 101 or
6501 Fountain Ave

Other Licenses You May Need to Operate a Business in State of California

1. Health License

Every City Health Department issues Health license for their city businesses. If you bought the existing business from another owner, you have to call Health Department for inspection. The Inspector has prove first to get the Health License in that case.

Los Angeles County: 3530 Wilshire Bl., 9th Fl,
Tel: (213)351-7896,
5050 Commerce Dr. Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Tel: (626)430-5100
Garment Industry (626)430-5570
Orange County: (714)834-2942

2. A B C (Alcoholic Beverage Control) License

In order to obtain an ABC License, seller of a business must visit city district office with ABC package, which you can get from Escrow Company, sign the form and return ABC license.    If you go to District office with previous owner and fill out an application there, you will get temporary license which is only good for 30 days.

3. Food Stamp

You may be qualified for food stamps if you meet one these options:
a) Business provides four essential foods (such as Bread, Milk, Grains, Dairy products, Fruits, Vegetables, Meats, or Fish), and sells those items continuously.
b)Essential Food sales are more than 50% of Total sales. (
If you think you are qualified for Food Stamps.
Fill out Application Form FCS-252 with copy of Seller’s Permit, Business License, Health Permit, or ABC License mail them out to address below.

360 East 2nd St Suite 705
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Tel: 213-894-7834

4. Garment Registration- DLSE License

In order to receive DLSE License, you are required to pass the exam which is provided by State Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. After you pass the exam, you have to fill out an application and mail it with a fee (money order or cashier’s check), most recent DE9, original copy of non-expired Workers’ Compensation Insurance Certificate.
The fee is determined by the table attached in the application.
It is illegal to start a Garment business without a DLSE License from Division of Labor Standards Enforcement.

Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
P.O. Box 420603
San Francisco, CA 94142
Tel: 415-703-4810, Fax: 415-703-4807