State Enterprise Zone (EZ) and Tax Incentive

The California Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency have designated economically depressed areas in California as Enterprise Zone to encourage and stimulate growth, development, and investment in the area. Taxpayers who invest, operate, or locate a trade or business within an Enterprise Zone may be eligible for special tax incentives, known as EZ credit. For example,…

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Government Audit Representation

U.S. tax system is based on self-reporting tax measures. When starting a business, you need to apply for various tax identification numbers and licenses to City, County, State and Federal governments. Due dates for tax returns are all varied by the type of taxes. Although you keep all due dates and report and pay full…

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Audit, Review and Compilation

1. Audit The term ‘audit’ has a specific meaning in accounting terms.    An audit of financial statements is an examination designed to provide the highest, but not absolute, level of assurance resulting in the publication of an independent opinion on whether or not those financial statements are relevant, accurate, complete, and fairly presented and that the…

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