How Much Can Businesses Deduct for Vehicles Placed in Service in 2019?
Does your business need to add one or more vehicles? If so, the purchases may qualify for tax breaks under current tax law. Here are the details. First-Year Depreciation Breaks The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) allows unlimited 100% first-year bonus depreciation for qualifying new and used assets (including eligible vehicles) that are acquired…

Penalty for No Health Insurance 2020 in California
The State of California is working to reduce the number of uninsured families with the adoption of a new state individual health care mandate. Here are three things California residents need to know: 1. Make sure you have health coverage The mandate, which takes effect on January 1, 2020, requires Californians to have qualifying health…

ASU 2019-10 : Amendments to Subtopic 842-10
The FASB has issued ASU 2019-10, which amends the effective dates for three major accounting standards. The ASU defers the effective dates for the credit losses, derivatives and leases standards for certain companies. Please find the accounting update regarding leases for nonpublic entity. Amendments to Subtopic 842-10 Amend paragraphs 842-10-65-1 and 842-10-65-4 and their related…

Minimum Wage Ordinance
Dear client; CHLK is taking this time to thoroughly explain which minimum wage ordinance your business should follow. If your business is located inside the boundaries of City of Los Angeles, then you must follow below minimum wage schedule City of Los Angeles Minimum Wage Ordinance Effective Date 26 or More Employees 25 or…

[Tax Update] Trump’s Tax Reform
Both the House of Representative and Senate passed the final version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which will be in effect beginning 2018. Brief summaries of new tax laws are as follows: The new seven federal income tax brackets are 10,12,22,24,32,35,37% compared to the current tax rate of 10,15,25,28,33,35,39.6%. The final bill doubles…

California –Corporate, Personal Income Taxes: Budget Bill Signed; Teacher’s Credit Repealed; Collection Fees Set
Ending a six-week stalemate, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed the state’s budget bill (S.B. 77) with no tax increases; however, S.B. 87, a budget trailer bill accompanying the budget bill, repealed the teachers’ credit against personal income tax. In addition, the budget bill set the personal income tax and corporation franchise and income tax…

SSA is reminding employers on several issues: SSA PIN reminders
2007 Changes to the EFW2 & EFW2C Social Security has changed the name of publications Magnetic Media Reporting and Electronic Filing of W-2 Information (MMREF-1), and Magnetic Media Reporting and Electronic Filing of W-2c Information (Correction of W-2 Information) (MMREF-2) to Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically (EFW2), and Specifications for Filing Forms W-2c Electronically…

Mid-size Corporations are Required to File Their Returns Electronically
E-filing: Corporate returns: Form 1120: Form 1120S. The September 17 deadline is approaching for corporations that have requested extensions to file. Last year, only large corporations were required to file electronically. This is the first year mid-size corporations, those with assets between $10 million and $50 million, are required to file their returns electronically. Back…